TRANS (2022)

First ignorant remark recieved as a trans person: 'Why are you always quiet? Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were a guy' Second ignorant remark recieved as a trans person: 'Why do you always wear loose clothing?' Third ignorant remark recieved as a trans person: 'You can't speak on women's issues, you're a man' Third ignorant remark recieved as a trans person: 'Any plans on your transition?' Painting of just the artist alone without dialogue

(Caption from Instagram) Personal vent on having insecurities as a trans dude. It's not only an "insecurity" but thoughts that after thinking for a while, can eat me away.

I may not sound like a "man", I may not dress in anything but a loose shirt, or use much else like a tank top from not having to expose feminine parts of my body. I sometimes even feel afraid of speaking on women's issues as many think you must be a cis woman or appear as one to speak on it (this erases the existence of transmasculine/nonbinary individuals).

"You don't know what it's like to be a (cis) woman" Jokes on you, especially those that use their platform for reproductive or women's rights but only focus on letting one group of people born with ovaries speak on it.

I do not want to speak upon any medical plans about my transition either after realizing it's just about how "Okay, so how will you change as a woman to a man?". I do not want to talk or bring up how I was born a woman. This is about a personal journey into becoming who I really identify as and I no longer want to remember who I was born as.

I do not want to feel insecure. And what I only ask from people is to allow me to feel comfortable to speak without worrying I sound feminine and speak on anything that isn't on answering basic or very personal transgender-related questions.